archived News
Harvest New York Selects DSD Web Works
January 7, 2014Harvest New York was initially a pilot program in Western New York designed to expand and enhance existing regional agriculture extension programs with the addition of three new areas of expertise: agriculture economic development, dairy modernization, and dairy food processing. Potential expansion of the program between both the New York State Governor's office and Cornell University has lead to the need for a more robust, database driven website. Harvest New York today contracted DSD Web Works to build a custom Content Management System to help communicate and deliver on the efforts to maximize connections to the research and resources of Cornell University and Cornell Cooperative Extension and develop new opportunities to ultimately increase the profitability of the New York agricultural industry. Once again, we look forward to working with Cornell University and Cornell Cooperative Extension.
Cornell University's Lake Ontario Fruit Program Site Release
January 9, 2014Today Cornell University's Lake Ontario Fruit (LOF) Program released their new website. The site was created by DSD Web Works and is based on a custom built Content Management System that allows all LOF specialists and staff to directly interact with site content. This gives the program independence with regard to managing all site content. In addition, online registration into the programs and the various events can now be completed online. The program team leader calls the new site 'awesome'.
Coach and Equipment Inks One Year Contract
February 6, 2014Coach and Equipment, a bus manufacture located in Penn Yan, NY, and DSD Web Works have agreed upon a one year commitment for consulting, design and development services provided by DSD Web Works. The commitment consists of a substantial minimum hours of services per month for the next 12 months. This continuous a relationship that began in 2004 and we look forward to the multiple projects in the coming months.
Sailor Bags Receives DSD Web Works Consultation
February 10, 2014Today DSD Web Works met with the executive team at Sailor Bags to discuss marketing strategy. Part of the conversation included logistics of site migration, site enhancements, SEO and SEM. A complete Internet marketing analysis was performed and defined sound strategies were presented.
Hitachi Metals America Releases 'HMA News' Component
February 11, 2014Hitachi Metals America (HMA) released a new component on their website today in which they can disseminate relevant news to their customers and to the public in general. The new element created by DSD Web Works will be an effective communication tool.
Town of Wayne Approves New Site Release
February 11, 2014DSD Web Works presented the new town website to the Town Board for the Town of Wayne. The presentation walked through the entire site and also showed the administrative tools that were created to allow for town personnel to easily edit, add and modify content within the site. The conclusion of the presentation was followed by many positive comments and a unanimous decision on the approval to release the site to the public.
Keuka Lakeside Inn Consults with DSD Web Works
February 12, 2014Today Keuka Lakeside Inn consulted with DSD Web Works on their needs and requirements for a successful web presence. We were happy to offer our expertise on what directions the Inn should take and where resources (both time and money) will be most effectively applied.
Forbes Custom Products Selects DSD Web Works
February 18, 2014Forbes Custom Products, a manufacturer who specialized in the production of high quality, cost effective custom information packaging, has asked DSD Web Works to consult on the future direction and strategy for Forbes and their website properties. We look forward to offering our expertise.
Town of Wayne, NY Workshop - New Site Administration
February 21, 2014Today, DSD Web Works, hosted a workshop for Town of Wayne personnel to interact directly with the new administrative user interface to manage their, soon to be released, website. Individuals literally received hands-on experience on editing town content, uploading new content and managing data within the custom Content Management System (CMS) built for the town.
Polyguard's Executive Team Gets First Look
February 21, 2014DSD Web Works presented functional mock-ups for the Architectural Division's proposed new website design. The home page concept, layout and navigation was presented along with an internal product page showing all the various elements that will be composed within the page. The overall design is professional and clean allowing for execution of message and obvious follow-up actions through a very identifiable and easy navigation system.
Keuka Lake Association Requests Lake Directory Script
February 24, 2014Today the Keuka Lake Assocation (KLA) requested DSD Web Works create functional scripts to help create the Keuka Lake Directory. The directory is published every three years and lists all the lake properties surrounding Keuka Lake. In addition, it presents this information in a number of formats. Alphabetically by owner, by street address and name and, most interesting, by literal location in a clockwise (or counter-clockwise) fashion if one were to navigate the shore. We look forward to the challenge of developing the database and associated applications that will allow KLA personnel to maintain a directory database and easily create the appropriate listings for print.
Town of Wayne New York Released New Site
February 25, 2014Today the Town of Wayne (New York) released their new town government web site designed and developed by DSD Web Works. The new site is build around a custom designed Content Management System (CMS) that allows town personnel to easily edit, modify the site's content. The independence and ease of which to make changes and add content to the site is a welcoming change from their prior web experience.
Wastewater Management System Review for Long Island New York
February 25, 2014Today DSD Web Works is scheduled to demonstrate the custom wastewater management system that was built for Keuka Watershed Improvement Cooperative (KWIC)to several organizations representing various protection committee's on Long Island, NY. Cornell University recommended a close evaluation of the highly successful system that has been in place for the Keuka Lake Watershed. DSD Web Works looks forward to the opportunity.
Forbes Custom Products Consultation
February 28, 2014Today DSD Web Works met with the executive team for Forbes Products to review and discuss current and future Branding and Internet Marketing strategies for the corporation.
Clinton Crest Manor Consultation
April 22, 2014Today DSD Web Works consulted with Clinton Crest Manor of Penn Yan, NY on their future direction for an Internet presence. The Director and Assistant Administrator met with DSD Web Works to discuss the value of a content managed system to help administrate and manage the web sites content. The consultation also involved a different, more visual, approach to their current web site. An overall more professional feel would be beneficial.
Hitachi Metals America's Cutting Tools Enhancement
May 2, 2014Today memebers of Hitachi Metals America's (HMA) Cutting Tools Group held a teleconference with DSD Web Works to discuss many site enhancements for the group. HMA's cutting tools requested site layout changes, updates and inclusion of new products. The expanding group supplies an array of high-performance cutting tools, utilizes leading raw materials and advanced engineering techniques to produce tools for a wide variety of uses.
Cornell's Central New York Dairy & Filed Crops Program Site Release
May 19, 2014Today Cornell University's Central New York Dairy & Filed Crops Program (CNYDFC) Program released their new website. The site was created by DSD Web Works and is based on a custom built Content Management System that allows all CNYDFC specialists and staff to directly interact with site content. This gives the program independence with regard to managing all site content. The site's design and layout is consistent with the look and layouts for the other Diary Programs thus giving all Cornell Dairy Programs a universal presentation.
Content Management Demonstration Presented to Town of Jerusalem
May 21, 2014This evening, the Town of Jerusalem Town Board asked DSD Web Works to present a live demonstration on content management as it pertains to Town Government. Using real world examples, DSD Web Works, showed the board how Town personnel can easily and quickly manage web data independently from any third party. Examples of working directly with a custom Content Management System (CMS) included Town Agendas, Minutes, News, Announcements, Permits, Applications, Images, maps, personnel and all page introduction text.
The Uniform Store Selects DSD Web Works
June 1, 2014The Uniform Store, a supplier of professional uniforms primarily focused on the medical industries, has selected DSD Web Works to develop a web application to allow for multiple professional clients to order and manage staff uniforms across multiple facilities using multiple office administrators. Clients consist of medical professionals with multiple offices throughout North Carolina and Virginia and are in need of an easy, user-friendly means to order and keep track of uniforms issued across their geographically diverse staff.
DSD Web Works looks forward working with this new client in doing what we do best... creating solutions that work.
DSD Web Works looks forward working with this new client in doing what we do best... creating solutions that work.
Cornell University's Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program Intr
June 16, 2014This week, DSD Web Works is hosting a number of hands-on workshops for Cornell University's Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program. Staff, specialists and administrates will have hands-on training of their new Custom Content Management System built by DSD Web Works. The sessions will allow all to interact directly with relevant content throughout the site including announcements, events, submissions, sponsorships, and all site content. The training is preceding the much anticipated site launch.
Zone A Inspector Functionality added to KWIC Watershed Management System
June 26, 2014Today DSD Web Works introduced the new added functionality for Zone A specific inspectors using the Keuka Watershed Improvement Cooperative (KWIC) wastewater management system. Those attending included KWIC administration, Town of Wayne inspectors and administration and Schuyler County administrators. The enhanced program now allows for interdependent management of those properties surrounding both Waneta and Lamoka Lakes, both within the Keuka Watershed.
Cornell's Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program Site Release
June 27, 2014Today Cornell University is proud to release the Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture (ENYCH) Program's new website. This site was designed and developed by DSD Web Works on a custom built content managed system (CMS) that is consistent with the other Cornell University Regional Programs developed by DSD Web Works. The complete CMS allows for administrators and specialists to create and share content across programs of like interest and research.
ENYCH is one of the premier regional agricultural Cornell Cooperative Extension programs in New York, serving a large multi-county area in the Champlain Valley, Capital Region and Hudson Valley of New York State.
ENYCH is one of the premier regional agricultural Cornell Cooperative Extension programs in New York, serving a large multi-county area in the Champlain Valley, Capital Region and Hudson Valley of New York State.
Harvest New York Site Release
June 30, 2014Cornell University and the New York State Governor's Office joined forces to create Harvest New York which expands and enhances existing agriculture extension programs with the addition of three new areas of expertise including: Dairy Processing and Food Safety; Local Food Distribution and Marketing; and Dairy Modernization and Profitability.
DSD Web Works continued the long running relationship with Cornell University in developing this new programs web presence. In addition, DSD Web Works developed a simple and easy administrative interface to allow for specialists to interact and manage the site content. DSD Web Works is excited to release the latest project with Cornell University as it represents the 10th project awarded.
DSD Web Works continued the long running relationship with Cornell University in developing this new programs web presence. In addition, DSD Web Works developed a simple and easy administrative interface to allow for specialists to interact and manage the site content. DSD Web Works is excited to release the latest project with Cornell University as it represents the 10th project awarded.
Norazza Selects DSD Web Works - Internet Consultation
July 16, 2014Today DSD Web Works participated in a lengthy strategy meeting with executives from Norazza to discuss an overall Internet strategy for their various brands. Norazza, with world headquarters in Buffalo, NY, is a innovative company that manufactures leading brands with a focus on products in the electronics industry. They have multiple web properties and have hired DSD Web Works help with their strategy on leveraging each to maintain the highest return on investment. We are pleased to offer our expertise in such endeavors.
DSD Web Works Moves Corporate Offices
July 29, 2014DSD Web Works has relocated to Cananandaigua New York. The move, allows for easier access to the Rochester International Airport as our client base continues to expand to a broader national presence.
Forbes Products Requests SEO Consultation
August 20, 2014Today Forbes Products, a privately held company headquartered in western New York, with regional offices in New Jersey, North Carolina, Illinois and Indiana, has requested a proposal for long term SEO consultation from DSD Web Works.
Town of Wayne History Group Requests Consultation
September 2, 2014The Town of Wayne History Group has asked DSD Web Works to help develop and enhance their existing content management system to enable digital archiving all information within their collection.
Forbes Custom Products Contracts Awards DSD Web Works Contract
September 3, 2014Forbes Custom Products, direct manufacturing source for custom information packaging products and documentation presentation solutions, has awarded DSD Web Works a contract to manage all SEO efforts for all their web properties. We look forward to the new relationship.
Texas Based Polygaurd Releases New Architectural Division Site
September 10, 2014Polyguard, a 60 year old Texas based manufacturing company, announced today the release of their new Architectural Division website. The site was developed by DSD Web Works and key Polyguard individuals... it was a definite group effort that resulted in a very professional, user friendly presentation. Response to the new site has been overwhelmingly positive.
Client Portal Released For The Uniform Shop in North Carolina
September 12, 2014Today The Uniform Shop, a retail and wholesale supplier of uniforms throughout North Carolina and Virginia, released a web based client portal. The new portal, developed by DSD Web Works, allows for their wholesale clients to easily order uniforms for their staff. A built in management feature allows for various offices to easily identify previous orders and reorders. The new ordering portal has lead to a large contract with various Dr. offices throughout the south.
DSD Web Works Consults for Famous Brands on new POS System
October 9, 2014Today DSD Web Works was hired by Famous Brands to play a key role in the evaluation and selection of a new POS system for the company. DSD Web Works looks forward to the opportunity to supply our technical expertise to such an important transformational decision.
Coach & Equipment Hires DSD Web Works in Consultation Role
October 22, 2014Today Coach & Equipment hired DSD Web Works in a consultation role to evaluate and advice on the company's IT personnel expansion. The department is planning on new hires and DSD Web Works will play a direct role in writing job descriptions, reviewing potential candidates, interviewing and training.
Town of Wayne History Group Hires DSD Web Works
November 14, 2014The Town of Wayne History group has contracted with DSD Web Works to build a custom managed system (CMS) for their extensive collection of both analog and digital content. Included in this new contract is conversion of a flat file record system that consists of over 13,000 records with historically significant content as it relates to the Town of Wayne New York.
We are privileged to work with such an active group who is truly interested in a best practice approach in archiving the Town's vast collection of information for future generations.
Forbes Organic Search Up more than 40%
November 18, 2014Ongoing efforts by DSD Web Works on the Forbes corporate site has resulted in a 40.8% in increased traffic from organic search. Our efforts focus on individuals specifically looking for Forbes products and our efforts are directly measured by analytics to easily identify a return on investment.
DSD Web Works Expanding
December 5, 2014DSD Web Works is looking for a mature, skilled, multitalented individual to fill the position of administrative assistant. This is not a office clerical position. The individual will work directly for the CEO and help managed all aspects of the growing corporation including general administration, planning, marketing, customer support and business development.
Cornell Selects DSD Web Works Again!
December 18, 2014Cornell University selected DSD Web Works to create a web presentation for the newly formed NY Loves Food Industry entity. New York Loves Food Industry connects the agribusiness industry to the academia, R&D, and food manufacturing resources needed to compete and be successful in the industry. We are honored once again to be chosen for this new project.
Town of Wayne New York Enhancments
December 29, 2014Today DSD Web Works released enhancements to the Town of Wayne's website. The new contract called for addition of a in-house management system to allow for easy posting and management of legal announcements. In addition, the Town contracted DSD Web Works to develop a custom application for creating and managing a video library.
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