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Hitachi Metals America, Ltd. Selects DSD Web Works
January 28, 2009The goal contract calls for the presentation of a new site that better represents the current product line and emphasizes Hitachi's use of advanced technologies and their commitment to innovative excellence of design. DSD Web Works is up to the challenge and look forward to continuing our relationship with Hitachi Metals of America.
Hitachi Metals Gets A New Look
February 3, 2009Hitachi Metals America, Ltd., one of the major members of the Hitachi Group companies announced today the release of their new web site home page. DSD Web Works developed the new concept and applied a eco-friendly theme highlighting the companies numerous eco-related products that will help lead innovation for the next decade. The artistic use of imaging and selective use of wording accomplished the goal of a professional presentation of the corporate message of merging technology, innovation and design.
Glenn H. Curtiss Museum Requests Quote
February 12, 2009Today Glenn H. Curtiss Museum requested a quote from DSD Web Works for the complete redesign of the Museum's web site. The request was for the development of custom web applications to address a wide array of needs specific to the museums needs including: content management of the museum's collections, e-commerce solution and management of the museum's gift shop, inclusion of flexible control over features exhibits and internal management of electronic newsletter campaigns.
Finger Lake Bride Guide Web Site Released
February 14, 2009DSD Web Works is pleased to announce the release of a Finger Lakes Bride Guide, the Premier Wedding Resource for the Finger Lakes. DSD Web Works was selected to design and develop the web site to include many features for both the bride/groom couple and the over 1000 wedding professionals serving the Finger Lakes region.
The site has incorporated many web 2.0 features including a very powerful and simple user interface to aid local brides and grooms to develop their very own personal wedding web sites. The site was structure to allow for vendors to be identified geographically by towns and/or lakes or by specific wedding category which allows for ease of locating wedding professionals to help contribute to a couples special day.
The web site was built in a LAMP environment utilizing a powerful database backend and numerous web applications to allow for flexible administrative management of the abundance of content.
The site has incorporated many web 2.0 features including a very powerful and simple user interface to aid local brides and grooms to develop their very own personal wedding web sites. The site was structure to allow for vendors to be identified geographically by towns and/or lakes or by specific wedding category which allows for ease of locating wedding professionals to help contribute to a couples special day.
The web site was built in a LAMP environment utilizing a powerful database backend and numerous web applications to allow for flexible administrative management of the abundance of content.
Skooba Design Gets a Minor Face Lift
February 16, 2009Skooba Design, a manufacture of notebook computer bags, released site wide modifications to their active web site today. Design changes were the result of a collaborative effort between in-house Skooba designers and DSD Web Works. The modifications resulted in both visual and functional enhancements to their corporate site.
Eaves Dental Selects DSD Web Works
February 17, 2009Today Eaves Dental contracted DSD Web Works to build custom applications to help in-house personal directly manage web site content. This includes direct administrative management of personal including hygienist, office staff, reception staff and the doctors; and direct management of all news items.
Coach and Equipment Chooses DSD Web Works
February 17, 2009Coach and Equipment, a bus manufacturer, announced today they have selected DSD Web Works to manage web hosting for their corporate web site.
Keuka Lake Association Releases New Site
February 19, 2009Today DSD Web Works and KLA released their brand new web site. The new site is a complete new redesign and incorporates many new dynamic features including creative sideshows, dynamic polls, interactive lake temp charts. The content has been substantially enhanced and structured in a more organized manner allowing for was of navigation.
Custom web applications were built allowing for complete content management on all dynamic content. This means Keuka Lake Association personnel can directly add, modify and edit most content directly from any Internet connected device without dependency on a third party.
The website committee and directors were impressed and very pleased with the outcome.
Custom web applications were built allowing for complete content management on all dynamic content. This means Keuka Lake Association personnel can directly add, modify and edit most content directly from any Internet connected device without dependency on a third party.
The website committee and directors were impressed and very pleased with the outcome.
Angel Farms Splits from Sequim Lavender Farms
March 1, 2009Today Angel Farms announced it's separation from the Sequim Lavender Farms web site. Angel Farms was instrumental in the initial concept of Sequim Lavender Farms and DSD Web Works has partnered with the organization for years, including the initial design and management of the Sequim Lavender web site.
Scripts for Gate Level Management for Cornell Cooperative Extension
March 3, 2009Today DSD Web Works released scripts that allow for Cornell Cooperative Extension personnel to dynamically manage Keuka Lake gate level information. Administrative back-end forms and script were created for easy modification of gate information content. In addition, scripts were created for Keuka Lake Association's web site lake level page to display the dynamic gate content.
Custom Content Management System Built for Eaves Dental
March 4, 2009Upgrades to Eaves Dental website were released today that include a complete new custom built content management system. Web applications were built by DSD Web Works to allow for office personal to directly add and modify all the dynamic features of the site.
The new system saves money and time and, most importantly, speeds up the process of updating the existing site with relevant content. The updates are actually instant in that the interface works directly with the site content resulting in 'live' changes and modifications.
In addition, we created new marketing material to help entice new patient recruitment and educate existing patience on modern dental technologies performed by Eaves Dental.
The new system saves money and time and, most importantly, speeds up the process of updating the existing site with relevant content. The updates are actually instant in that the interface works directly with the site content resulting in 'live' changes and modifications.
In addition, we created new marketing material to help entice new patient recruitment and educate existing patience on modern dental technologies performed by Eaves Dental.
Hitachi Metals America - Home Page Facelift
March 4, 2009Today DSD Web Works released a new home page for Hitachi Metals America. The new theme is Eco-Friendly with Environmental Value Creation as the central message. DSD Web Works was responsible for the concept, design, layout and creation. Hosted on Finger Lakes Web Hosting
March 9, 2009Today Skooba Design requested DSD Web Works host their original domain and have it properly redirected to Skooba Design has been a outstanding client for DSD Web Works since Fall of 2008.
Mr. Furukawa, President and CEO, Hitachi, Ltd. Message
March 9, 2009Mr. Furukawa, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hitachi, Ltd. presented a message entitled "Creating Environmental Value by Building Businesses for Social Innovation".
Hitachi, Ltd. is the parent company of Hitachi Metals America and the 'message' was directly complementary to our new home page design that was recently released. Some of the wording in the message was verbatim with our creative concept!
Hitachi, Ltd. is the parent company of Hitachi Metals America and the 'message' was directly complementary to our new home page design that was recently released. Some of the wording in the message was verbatim with our creative concept!
DSD Web Works Works with Cornell Cooperative Extension on Scripts
March 16, 2009DSD Web Works, upon request from Cornell Cooperative Extension, helped rewrite scripts for their data logger which logs Keuka Lake temperature. The new scripts have been updated and our now more statistically accurate.
This work was supported by the Keuka Lake Association.
This work was supported by the Keuka Lake Association.
KWIC Presentation - Software Woes
March 23, 2009Today DSD Web Works presented finding from a complete audit and analysis of KWIC's Wastewater Information Network System to the KWIC board consisting of all Town Supervisors, City Mayors and representatives. The audit included multiple interviews with the KWIC manager, individual town supervisors, consultants and multiple town inspectors. In addition, DSD Web Works worked directly with the WINS program and analyzed the database structure for the project.
Recommendations were made to end support for the program who has a flawed design, built in a flawed environment. The suggestion was made to invest in the development of a open source web application system that would offer many advantages and address many of the issues with the existing system. This would include a much more efficient design, ease of access, ease of information sharing, eliminate compatibility issues, lower cost, better support, increased flexibility and all the obvious advantages of open source (lower cost, portability, non-restrictiveness, adaptability, support, etc.).
The committee chair and fellow members were very complementary of our thorough evaluation and presentation.
Recommendations were made to end support for the program who has a flawed design, built in a flawed environment. The suggestion was made to invest in the development of a open source web application system that would offer many advantages and address many of the issues with the existing system. This would include a much more efficient design, ease of access, ease of information sharing, eliminate compatibility issues, lower cost, better support, increased flexibility and all the obvious advantages of open source (lower cost, portability, non-restrictiveness, adaptability, support, etc.).
The committee chair and fellow members were very complementary of our thorough evaluation and presentation.
Hitachi, Ltd. Mandates for Hitachi Group Internet Website Incorporated
April 2, 2009Today Hitachi Metals America releases new site. DSD Web Works lead the design aspect of incorporating the design guideline mandates from Hitachi, Ltd. for Hitachi Group Internet Websites. The extensive mandates were incorporated with existing Hitachi Metals America content and resulted in a professional and aesthetically appealing presentation compliant with the Hitachi, Ltd. design guidelines.
Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Barrington, New York
April 9, 2009Today the Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Barrington was added to their site. The plan was officially adopted on January 28th, 2009. Now residence within the town can easily gain access to the plan directly on the Town of Barrington, NY web site.
KWIC - Web Based Wastewater Management System - RFP Request
May 3, 2009Keuka Watershed Improvement Cooperative (KWIC) has requested DSD Web Works for a proposal regarding a web based system for the KWIC Inspectors.
New Willow Pond Aqua Farms Website Released
May 13, 2009Willow Pond Aqua Farms new website has been designed with ease of navigation and ease of content management in mind. The easy-to-navigate graphically appealing website includes an enhanced menu system, additional technical information and numerous images.
Willow Pond Aqua Farms strives to provide the products and expertise to help meet the needs of our customers. The sites' enhanced product line now includes a more extensive line of pond supply including a complete line of pond fish and pond plants. The full fledge e-commerce site now allows for quicker and easier on-line buying. A complete backend administrative management application was custom built allowing for Willow Pond Aqua Farms personnel to quickly and easily update site content including real time price and availability modifications.
Willow Pond Aqua Farms has been designing, building and supplying the expertise for ponds of all sizes (both residential and commercial) for over seventeen years. For more information on Willow Pond Aqua Farms extensive pond line, contact them directly:
Willow Pond Aqua Farms strives to provide the products and expertise to help meet the needs of our customers. The sites' enhanced product line now includes a more extensive line of pond supply including a complete line of pond fish and pond plants. The full fledge e-commerce site now allows for quicker and easier on-line buying. A complete backend administrative management application was custom built allowing for Willow Pond Aqua Farms personnel to quickly and easily update site content including real time price and availability modifications.
Willow Pond Aqua Farms has been designing, building and supplying the expertise for ponds of all sizes (both residential and commercial) for over seventeen years. For more information on Willow Pond Aqua Farms extensive pond line, contact them directly:
Hitachi Metals America - Cutting Tools Redo
May 17, 2009Today DSD Web Works a complete and much more comprehensive Cutting Tools section for Hitachi Metals America (HMA). Clean and high quality images are now used to present the full line of high-end cutting tools offered by HMA.
Team Moon Real Estate Resigns Maintenance Contract
June 9, 2009Teem Moon Real Estate has extended its web site maintenance contract with DSD Web Works for an additional year. As a client since early 2007, we look forward to our continued relationship.
Hitachi Metals America - Plastic Mold Steel Added
June 26, 2009A new line of plastic mold steel has been added to Hitachi Metals America (HMA) tool steel section on their web site. The ever expanding HMA product line now includes plastic mold steel.
Finger Lakes Bride Guide Continues Internet Contract
July 9, 2009Today Finger Lakes Bride Guide extended its contract with DSD Web Works to manage the Finger Lakes Bride Guide web site and continuously growing family of vendors, brides and relevant content. We are please to continue this contract which began with DSD Web Works original design and layout for the site.
Hitachi Metals America - Contracts DSD Web Works for Analytics
July 20, 2009Hitachi Metals America (HMA) has contracted with DSD Web Works to manage their web analytics. DSD Web Works has been involved with web analytics since our inception (2001). Sophistication of tools have evolved substantially and the amount of quality information is a must for any serious web presence. We welcome HMA as new web analytic client.
DSD Web Works to Develop Web Based Wastewater Management System
July 28, 2009"I am happy to inform you that KWIC approved the DSD Web Works Web Based Wastewater Management System Proposal at last nights meeting." were the words sent to DSD Web Works today.
Our proposal involved the software development of a custom open source web based wastewater management system that will allow KWIC to ensure uniform regulations and enforcement of wastewater systems in and around Keuka Lake.
Support for the proposal was from eight different New York municipalities including Town of Barrington, Town of Milo, Town of Jerusalem, Town of Pulteney, Town of Urbana, Town of Wayne, Village of Hammondsport and the Village of Penn Yan.
Our proposal involved the software development of a custom open source web based wastewater management system that will allow KWIC to ensure uniform regulations and enforcement of wastewater systems in and around Keuka Lake.
Support for the proposal was from eight different New York municipalities including Town of Barrington, Town of Milo, Town of Jerusalem, Town of Pulteney, Town of Urbana, Town of Wayne, Village of Hammondsport and the Village of Penn Yan.
DSD Web Works Internet Consultant for JustRite Stampers
September 4, 2009DSD Web Works has consults for JustRite Stampers and their Internet presence. DSD Web Works discusses and advises on an array of topics from branding, user experience, analytics, back-end applications, search engine optimization and search engine marketing.
SCOTTEVEST (SeV) Selects DSD Web Works as SEO Consultant
September 11, 2009SCOTTEVEST(SeV) has contracted DSD Web Works to do a complete audit and recommendations of SwV's Internet marketing strategy. SeV is a unique and innovative clothing manufacture who has created a unique pocket rich line of clothing ideal for an array of activities including traveling. We look forward to developing a new relationship and helping SeV penetrate new markets.
Display Ad Performance - Who Is Clicking?
October 1, 2009comScore released an interesting study today... 84% of web users are 'non-clickers'. That means all PPC campaigns are only addressing 16% of potential users. Also of interest, only 8% of web users account for 85% of all clicks.
Hitachi Metals America - Fuel Cell Separator
November 17, 2009Enhancements once again for the Hitachi Metals America web site. We have include updates and better marketing presentation for the Fuel Cell Separator line. The Tool Steel 'guys' are constantly active in innovating and marketing their wonderful line of tool steel products.
DSD Contracted for 100th Anniversary Campaign
December 11, 2009Hitachi Metals America (HMA) has contracted DSD Web Works to conceptualize a Internet campaign celebrating the Hitachi Group?s history as they celebrate their 100th anniversary in 2010. Logo and various other branding promotions will be developed and utilized throughout their Internet efforts.
Village of Rushville Seeks RFP
December 16, 2009Today the Village of Rushville sought out DSD Web Works for a proposal for a site creation. Their desire is to create a village web site with high functionality that can provide relevant information concerning the Village of Rushville.
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